Leech therapy: An In-depth Exploration of its medicinal importance

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Jalaukavacharana, or leech therapy, is an ancient Ayurvedic technique used for Raktamokshana, a bio-purificatory therapy. This therapy involves the application of leeches to the body to remove the impure blood. Impure blood here refers to blood that has become stagnant or less active due to reduced circulation. This stagnation can lead to the accumulation of metabolic wastes, causing inflammation and other health issues. By removing this ‘impure blood’, leech therapy helps to restore proper circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Historical Significance of Leech therapy

Leech therapy has been practiced since ancient times, with its mention in texts like Sushruta Samhita, indicating its longstanding trust in traditional medicine.

The Role of Leeches

There are many varieties of leeches, but for medical purposes, Ayurveda uses only one specific variety of leech - Hirudina officinalis. This leech has many therapeutic benefits and is used after checking the health of the leech.

Indications for Leech therapy

  • Hair fall

  • Acne vulgaris

  • Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and tennis elbow

  • Vein diseases in the limbs like varicose veins.

  • Post-skin grafting surgeries

  • Soft tissue and eye socket bruising

  • Skin diseases (Kustha)

  • Gout (Vatrakta)

  • Ecchymosis, a discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath.

Contraindications: When is Leech therapy Not Suitable?

While Jalaukavacharana can be beneficial in many cases, it’s not suitable for everyone. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before considering this treatment.

Procedure of Leech therapy

The person undergoing Jalaukavacharana is made to sit or lie comfortably depending on the site where the leech is to be applied. The site should be cleaned with warm water using a cotton piece. Then the leech is taken out of the water and it is placed over the site. The leech will attach to the site by itself within a few minutes.
On completion the site will be properly dressed in sterile conditions to arrest the bleeding.

How does Leech therapy work?

During leech therapy, proteins/chemicals released in a leech bite will locally block pain receptors, local circulation will be increased, and proteins/chemicals released have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects, helping to heal local tissue/cells.

Modern Applications of Leech therapy

Today, leech therapy is recognized in modern medicine, especially in microsurgery and reconstructive surgery, to improve blood circulation and prevent tissue death.

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